Journal Articles

  1. R. Morrison, E. Basor. Exact mean and covariance formulas after diagonal transformations of a multivariate normal. (In review) arXiv
  2. T. Price-Broncucia, A. Baker, D. Hammerling, M. Duda, R. Morrison. The Ensemble Consistency Test: From CESM to MPAS and Beyond. (In review) GMD Preprint
  3. P. W. Marcy, R. Morrison. ‘‘Stochastic Inverse Problems’’ and Changes-of-Variables. (In review) arXiv
  4. S. Levental, S. Edie, R. Morrison, C. Simpson. Origin of division of labor is decoupled from polymorphism in colonial animals. PNAS Nexus 2024, p476.
  5. E. Basor, R. Morrison. Analytic solutions to nonlinear ODEs via spectral power series. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 697, 561-582 (2024)
  6. R. Baptista, R. Morrison, O. Zahm, Y. Marzouk. Learning non-Gaussian graphical models via Hessian scores and triangular transport. Journal of Machine Learning Research 25(85):1-46, 2024
  7. R. Bandy, R. Morrison. Stochastic model corrections for reduced Lotka-Volterra models exhibiting mutual, competitive, and predatory interactions. Chaos 34, 013116 (2024)
  8. R. E. Morrison, R. Baptista, E. Basor. Diagonal nonlinear transformations preserve structure in covariance and precision matrices. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 104983 (2022)
  9. M. Tosin, E. Dantas, A. Cunha, R. E. Morrison. ARBO: Arbovirus Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification Toolbox. Software Impacts 12, 100252 (2022)
  10. R. E. Morrison. Exact reduction of the generalized Lotka-Volterra equations via integral and algebraic substitutions. Computation 2021 (9)5, 49
  11. R. E. Morrison. Data-driven corrections of partial Lotka-Volterra models. Entropy 2020 (22)11, 1313
  12. R. E. Morrison, A. Cunha. Embedded discrepancy operators: A case study of Zika modeling. Chaos, 30(5):051103 (2020)
  13. R. E. Morrison, T. A. Oliver, R. D. Moser. Representing model inadequacy: A stochastic operator approach. ASA/SIAM Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (2), 457-496 (2018)
  14. R. E. Morrison, C. M. Bryant, G. Terejanu, S. Prudhomme, K. Miki. Data partition methodology for validation of predictive models. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66 (10), 2114-2125 (2013)
  15. R. E. Morrison, A. S. Landsberg, E. J. Friedman. Combinatorial games with a pass: A geometric approach. Chaos 21, 043108 (2011)

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. R. Bandy, R. Washington, R. Morrison, T. Portone. Isolating and Quantifying Uncertainties in the Vibration Isolation Round-Robin Challenge. (In review)
  2. S. Liaw, R. Morrison, Y. Marzouk, R. Baptista. Learning local neighborhoods of non-Gaussian graphical models. (Accepted)
  3. T. Price-Broncucia, S. Amorese, R. Baptista, R. Morrison. A probabilistic graphical model approach to interpret, verify, and decouple multi-physics systems. Proceedings of 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2024
  4. R. Bandy, T. Portone, R. Morrison. Stochastic Model Correction for the Adaptive Vibration Isolation Round-Robin Challenge. In IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, p53-62. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
  5. T. Price-Broncucia, R. Morrison. Ultra-short time batching and unscented Kalman inversion for calibration of expensive chaotic models. United States National Congress on Computational Mechanics 2023, Albuquerque, NM. UQ Student Paper Competition Semi-Finalist
  6. T. Price-Broncucia, R. Morrison. Multi-time unscented Kalman inversion for calibration of expensive chaotic models. 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering 2023, Dublin, Ireland. 2023 CERRA Student Recognition Award
  7. R. Bandy, R. Morrison. Quantifying model form uncertainty in spring-mass-damper systems. In Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition, p9-19. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. Best Paper Award
  8. R. E. Morrison, R. Baptista, Y. Marzouk. Beyond normality: Learning sparse probabilistic models in the non-Gaussian setting. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NeurIPS 2017), 11 pages (Acceptance rate: 21%)
  9. R. E. Morrison, C. M. Bryant, G. Terejanu, K. Miki, S. Prudhomme. Optimal data split methodology for model validation. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011, p1038-1043 (Acceptance rate: 53%) Best Student Paper Award


  1. PhD Dissertation: On the representation of model inadequacy: A stochastic operator approach, Advisor: Prof. Robert Moser, UT Austin, 2016
  2. Honors Senior Thesis: From geometry to perturbation theory in combinatorial games: A case study of the game of Nim with a pass, Advisor: Prof. Adam Landsberg, Scripps College, 2008


  1. Nonparanormal covariance (examples) R. Morrison
  2. TransportMaps D. Bigoni, A. Spantini, R. Baptista, R. Morrison
  3. ARBO: Arbovirus Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification Toolbox. M. Tosin, E. Dantas, A. Cunha, R. Morrison
  4. Zika R. Morrison, A. Cunha
  5. Enriched-GLV R. Morrison