Journal Articles
- R. Morrison, E. Basor. Exact mean and covariance formulas after diagonal transformations of a multivariate normal. (In review) arXiv
- T. Price-Broncucia, A. Baker, D. Hammerling, M. Duda, R. Morrison. The Ensemble Consistency Test: From CESM to MPAS and Beyond. (In review) GMD Preprint
- P. W. Marcy, R. Morrison. ‘‘Stochastic Inverse Problems’’ and Changes-of-Variables. (In review) arXiv
- S. Levental, S. Edie, R. Morrison, C. Simpson. Origin of division of labor is decoupled from polymorphism in colonial animals. PNAS Nexus 2024, p476.
- E. Basor, R. Morrison. Analytic solutions to nonlinear ODEs via spectral power series. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 697, 561-582 (2024)
- R. Baptista, R. Morrison, O. Zahm, Y. Marzouk. Learning non-Gaussian graphical
models via Hessian scores and triangular transport. Journal of Machine Learning Research 25(85):1-46, 2024
- R. Bandy, R. Morrison. Stochastic model corrections for reduced Lotka-Volterra models exhibiting mutual, competitive, and predatory interactions. Chaos 34, 013116 (2024)
- R. E. Morrison, R. Baptista, E. Basor. Diagonal nonlinear transformations preserve
structure in covariance and precision matrices. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 104983 (2022)
- M. Tosin, E. Dantas, A. Cunha, R. E. Morrison. ARBO: Arbovirus Modeling and Uncertainty
Quantification Toolbox. Software Impacts 12, 100252 (2022)
- R. E. Morrison. Exact reduction of the generalized Lotka-Volterra
equations via integral and algebraic substitutions. Computation 2021 (9)5, 49
- R. E. Morrison. Data-driven corrections of partial Lotka-Volterra models.
Entropy 2020 (22)11, 1313
- R. E. Morrison, A. Cunha. Embedded discrepancy operators: A case study of Zika
modeling. Chaos, 30(5):051103 (2020)
- R. E. Morrison, T. A. Oliver, R. D. Moser. Representing model inadequacy: A stochastic
operator approach. ASA/SIAM Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (2), 457-496 (2018)
- R. E. Morrison, C. M. Bryant, G. Terejanu, S. Prudhomme, K. Miki. Data partition methodology for validation of predictive models.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66 (10), 2114-2125 (2013)
- R. E. Morrison, A. S. Landsberg, E. J. Friedman. Combinatorial games
with a pass: A geometric approach. Chaos 21, 043108 (2011)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- R. Bandy, R. Washington, R. Morrison, T. Portone. Isolating and Quantifying Uncertainties in the Vibration Isolation Round-Robin Challenge. (In review)
- S. Liaw, R. Morrison, Y. Marzouk, R. Baptista. Learning local neighborhoods of non-Gaussian graphical models. (Accepted)
- T. Price-Broncucia, S. Amorese, R. Baptista, R. Morrison. A probabilistic graphical model approach to interpret, verify, and decouple multi-physics systems. Proceedings of 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2024
- R. Bandy, T. Portone, R. Morrison. Stochastic Model Correction for the Adaptive Vibration Isolation Round-Robin Challenge. In IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, p53-62. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
- T. Price-Broncucia, R. Morrison. Ultra-short time batching and unscented Kalman inversion for
calibration of expensive chaotic models. United States National Congress on Computational
Mechanics 2023, Albuquerque, NM. UQ Student Paper Competition Semi-Finalist
- T. Price-Broncucia, R. Morrison. Multi-time unscented Kalman inversion for calibration
of expensive chaotic models. 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and
Probability in Civil Engineering 2023, Dublin, Ireland. 2023 CERRA Student Recognition Award
- R. Bandy, R. Morrison. Quantifying model form uncertainty in spring-mass-damper systems.
In Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition, p9-19. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. Best Paper Award
- R. E. Morrison, R. Baptista, Y. Marzouk. Beyond normality: Learning sparse probabilistic models in the non-Gaussian setting.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NeurIPS 2017), 11 pages (Acceptance rate: 21%)
- R. E. Morrison, C. M. Bryant, G. Terejanu, K. Miki, S. Prudhomme.
Optimal data split methodology for model validation. Proceedings of
the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011, p1038-1043 (Acceptance rate: 53%) Best Student
Paper Award
- PhD Dissertation: On the representation of model inadequacy: A stochastic operator approach,
Advisor: Prof. Robert Moser, UT Austin, 2016
- Honors Senior Thesis: From geometry to perturbation theory in combinatorial games: A case study of the game of Nim with a pass, Advisor: Prof. Adam Landsberg, Scripps College, 2008
- Nonparanormal covariance (examples) R. Morrison
- TransportMaps D. Bigoni, A. Spantini, R. Baptista, R. Morrison
- ARBO: Arbovirus Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification Toolbox. M. Tosin, E. Dantas, A. Cunha, R. Morrison
- Zika R. Morrison, A. Cunha
- Enriched-GLV R. Morrison